Sunday, May 13, 2007

Its funny how sometimes time flies and sometimes it drags on like it will never end...

How bad habits you though t were gone come back to haunt u.

How sometimes you jz can’t get someone out of Ur system no matter how hard you try…

Recently I finally understand why my mom was always so concerned about the ppl I deal with

Social Interactions would be an accurate term

I never really thought what she talked about was pertinent to me coz I was never bothered or affected much by the majorities opinion on any


I guess god has blessed me with an over analytical mind.

The old versus the new.

I guess he knows wats best for me.

Only know I realize how much someppl affect my life.

One of the past.

One of the future.

somebody close to me is an uncle.arent they the CUTEST THINGS>>>>haha..part of this made me feel glad n sad...
glad coz we r growin up
sad coz we r growin up..
some things never change..but most things do..haha these pics r jz a representation of HOW much older we have gotten..haha to think we USED to be the ones being we yearn to carry ones of our own..haha..
the irony of life..
growing up..

1 comment:

LeAnNa said...

Hey Ray :) Thanks for the tag and the tip off about Giraffe!
All the best in school... Take Care and Rest Well!
P.s. Don says thanks for coming to B&J!